TGI Carbonware

We are your one-stop shop for
Carbon Management
and Electronic Reporting


What We Do

Max said: Using this web site, we provide a quantitative method for calculating and reporting the carbon footprint for a given business. The methodology following EPA Standard X and result may be submitted to either United Sates, the European Union, or any other authority accepting the EPA Standard Y.


This site provides a system of forms used to organize your company carbon footprint, as well as supporting calculations for:

  • Scope 1 Emissions: emissions directly generated by you firm.
  • Scope 2 Emissions: emissions associated with your forms use of supporting utilities.
  • Scope 3 Emissions: ancillary emissions indirectly generated by the firms by the nature of its operation.

Getting Started

To get started, please use the Contact Us form at the bottom of this page. One of our technical staff will contact you promptly.


TGI's Carbonware provides the tools, software, and technical experience to translate your business process into a valid carbon profile. Our firm understands the practicalities of business and the technical lens required to focus your carbon contribution and mitigative efforts. We are both passionate about our service to the environment and future. We are pragmatic in our approach and modeling methodologies. My team and their software tools are flexible, responsive, and ready to go to work for you.

Rosemary Wyman, CEO

About Us

Company Approach

Quantitative Carbon manages client carbon data longitudinally. This method ties data carbon data to periods of time. Different measures may then be compared at different points in time is support of goal manages and other metrics of performance.

Company History

Quantitative Carbon was formulated from a responsibility to the future, and a joy found in efficiently organizing complex information structures. Modeling combined business, engineering, and environmental systems is a complicated proposition. QC LLC tools exploits the decades of experience of our staff and the process algorithms they have developed.

Technical Staff

Rosemary M. Wyman, P.G., CHMM, CPESC

Chief Executive Officer

Ms. Wyman has 29 years’ experience providing project management, site assessment, environmental remediation, emergency response, and expert testimony for various governmental and private entities. As Environmental Services Manager and Principal Geologist, Ms. Wyman is responsible for overall project management, job execution, and quality control for environmental services projects. She has a diverse background in both the public and private sectors, having worked for the State of Texas, the State of California, and several non-governmental companies.

Max M. Wyman, PhD

Enterprise Architect

Dr. Wyman has been designing and building integrated information systems for thirty years. His experience includes project design and management, data analysis, data modelling and restructuring, and working with organizations to achieve interoperability between business units.

Mia Gracia R. Tamayo

Chief Technical Officer

Ms. Tamayo holds a BSE in Computer Engineering and Software Development. Her specialties include database design, geographic information systems, programming in multiple languages, and web-based technology. She has developed map-based cadastral information systems, metadata-driven applications, and various mobile tools. Ms. Tamayo has also built merchant service platforms, point-of-sale systems, check-writing tools, customized general ledgers, and banking tool sets. She is on constant alert for technical innovations as they emerge and how they may be applied to the unique activities environmental sciences.



Who requires carbon footprint reporting?

At the present time, only the European Union requires carbon footpint report before contracting with EU entites.

At what point is a firm large enough to require carbon reporting.

Once a firm reaches an annual gross income of $2.5M, carbin reporting is required.

Who specifies the carbon footprint reporting format and requirement.

Both the US EPA and the AU have their own formats. Eaith may be used, and QC LLC have the tools to format to either format.


How are carbon footprint data stored.

QC LLC employs the Mircrosoft Cloud known as Azure to store your data.

How are my carbon data submitted?

Initial data are built using a questionaire driven by an online wizard. Once a framework is established your QU representivie will coorindate the submission of streadheets for buld data submission.

How are my data revised.

Using an online account, your data may be updated through the year. You QC LLC representive will work with your staff to avoid the last-minute submissin crunch.

Contact Us

Phone: (512) 585-0176